You may have heard about the London Times story regarding a secret U.S.-UK agreement to attack Iraq months before the new product was even rolled out. Then again, you may have not.
Despite widespread reporting in the blogosphere, few newspapers or news networks bothered to even mention the report over the weekend. Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) says he is disappointed the mainstream media has not touched the revelations.
Unfortunately, the mainstream media in the United States was too busy with wall-to-wall coverage of a "runaway bride" to cover a bombshell report out of the British newspapers," Conyers writes. "The London Times reports that the British government and the United States government had secretly agreed to attack Iraq in 2002, before authorization was sought for such an attack in Congress, and had discussed creating pretextual justifications for doing so.
The Times reports, based on a newly discovered document, that in 2002 British Prime Minister Tony Blair chaired a meeting in which he expressed his support for "regime change" through the use of force in Iraq and was warned by the nation's top lawyer that such an action would be illegal. Blair also discussed the need for America to "create" conditions to justify the war.
Conyers says he is seeking an inquiry.
This should not be allowed to fall down the memory hole during wall-to-wall coverage of the Michael Jackson trial and a runaway bride," he remarks. "To prevent that from occuring, I am circulating the following letter among my House colleagues and asking them to sign on to it."
Conyers letter is available through Raw Story.