So the State Department is trying to "undo Newsweek damage" by spreading "the word abroad that America respects all religious faiths."
The United States, the cable said, "is a tolerant society in which freedom of religion for all faiths is ardently defended....From the Los Angeles Times (10/16/03): "The Pentagon has assigned the task of tracking down and eliminating Osama bin Laden…to [Lt. General William Boykin] who sees the war on terrorism as a clash between Judeo-Christian values and Satan." Boykin, referring to a Muslim opponent, commented that "I knew my God was bigger than his. I knew that my God was a real God and his was an idol." Here we have a high-ranking American military officer - sworn to uphold the Constitutional concept of religious freedom - blatantly expressing his intolerance of non-Christians.
From the Minneapolis Star Tribune (5/3/05): A task force will investigate allegations of anti-Semitism and other reports of religious intolerance at the Air Force Academy after cadets lodged dozens of complaints in internal surveys, officials said. Some cadets accused evangelical Christians of harassing both Christians and Jews. Some Jewish cadets said they were blamed for the death of Jesus. The academy, which abuts Colorado Springs, said it first learned of reports of religious intolerance during the survey of cadets and said it will cooperate with the investigation. A preliminary report on the investigation is due by May 23.