So there's a new computer virus being spread via email around the Internets. I've already received several messages from it, which confused me greatly.
Seems this virus is a bit more sophisticated than previous versions, and spreads messages of neo-nazi hate.
Once the Sober.q virus infects a computer, it sends out e-mails with links to stories that present a pro-Neo-Nazi viewpoint. A small percentage of the links send computer users to a Web site that attempts to infect the user's computer with the virus.
Vincent Gullotto of McAfee Inc.'s antivirus emergency response team told the Associated Press that the Sober.q virus has been much more successful than previous versions of the Sober virus at sending spam and infecting other computers.
The spam sent by the virus promotes articles with titles such as '60 Years of Freedom: Who's Celebrating?' in reference to the end of World War II; 'Dresden Bombing Is To Be Regretted Enormously' in reference to the bombing of the German city of Dresden during World War II. Some of the virus infected e-mails take users directly to the website of the NPD, Germany's ultra-right wing nationalist party. Other stories speak out against immigration and warn of ethnic Mafia groups. The links and articles are either in German or English.