There's a little know provision in the "No Child Left Behind Act" that requires schools to provide children's personal information to the Pentagon so the children can be recruited into the armed forces.
From the Leave My Child Alone web site:
School districts are required under Section 9528 of the No Child Left Behind Act to release student records to military recruiters or risk losing funding, but they are also required to inform families of their Opt Out rights. Notification varies wildly across districts, and it's a bit of a crapshoot whether families know or not.
Here's how to start fixing that, and here's how we'll help you. To opt your own child out, you must submit an Opt Out letter by "snail mail" to your School District Superintendent.
Working Assets has built an online tool to help parents OPT OUT. Visit the web site for information and assistance if you want to keep the military out of your child's private information.