Friday, August 18, 2006

Your President Speaks

George Bush spoke at a fund-raiser for the Pennsylvania Republican gubernatorial candidate:

No, these are people that are politically driven. They've got motives. They do not believe in freedom. They don't believe in freedom of religion; they don't believe in freedom of dissent; they don't believe in women's rights. They have a backward view of the world. And yet, they want to impose their vision on other people. That's what they're trying to do. And the United States of America must never retreat and let them have their way.

Sounds a lot like the Republican party: They don't believe in freedom of religion, unless you're talking about their religion. They don't believe in freedom of dissent as dissenters are committing treason. They don't believe in a woman's right to control her own body. They have a backward view of the world (trickle-down economics, creationism, intelligent design). And they want to impose their vision on other people, namely minorities, gays, women, atheists and anyone who doesn't join lock-step in their world view.

The Decider also introduced a new word--Suicider:
You know, when you have resentment and anger, that breeds hatred; that breeds recruiting grounds for people to become a suicider. Imagine the mentality of somebody willing to kill for an ideology that just doesn't -- is not hopeful, and yet I believe a lot of it has to do with the fact that parts of the world breed resentment.

We don't have to imagine. We've got the Bush administration willing to kill for an ideology. That's why more than 2,500 American soldiers have died in Iraq while bin Laden, the terrorist behind 9/11, is ignored.