Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Who Said It?

A quote from a well-known person:

That building didn't fall for over an hour after it was hit. What do you bet that the Bush administration finished the job that the airplanes did not actually complete? What do you bet they killed their own people for the PR aspect? These people cannot compete with the Clinton legacy, so they have to fight the PR and the spin war. And it is amazing to me to see how easily the duped US and world media is.

Who said it? Answer below the fold.

Would you believe Rush Limbaugh?

OK, we edited the quote. Here's what Limbaugh really said:
That building didn't fall for eight hours after it was hit. What do you bet that the Hezbos finished the job that the Israeli bomb did not actually complete? What do you bet they killed their own people for the PR aspect? These people cannot compete militarily with any industrialized nation, so they have to fight the PR and the spin war. And it is amazing to me to see how easily the duped US and world media is.

But for a moment, didn't you believe some slightly off-center person could have said the first quote? And most people would find it abhorent and ridiculous.

Why, then, are people so willing to accept the real quote at face value and believe it to be the truth?

We grabbed this from Digby (read the whole post) who concludes:
So, the pictures of the dead are all phony, staged propaganda but the civilians need to be killed anyway in order to get to the root causes of the problem --- which I understand to be too many living arabs. If we don't kill them now, our kids and grandkids will have to kill their kids and grandkids later.

This blatant genocidal bloodlust has become de rigeur on the right now. It's on talk radio, TV and in the columns of respectable newspapers. They don't even pretend to be civilized anymore. Maybe it's just the SOS, but I've got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I don't ever remember this kind of stuff being openly bandied about like it's normal. And those who did, like Curtis LeMay, didn't have audiences of 25 million listeners to spew their bilge to.

But hey, what do we expect? Once you explode the taboo against torture, can genocide be far behind?

Is this the America you want to live in?