Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Bush Re-Invokes WMDs in Iraq

With his approval ratings continuing to fall, Bush again goes to the well of "national security" in a speech before the Orange County Business Council Monday, April 24, 2006, in Irvine, Calif.

Acknowledging that "It's real important for the President to pay attention to people, what's on their mind . . . ." Bush reminded us of what he's always thinking about:

I wish I could report to you that the war on terror was over. It's not. There is still an enemy that wants to do us harm. And the most important job of the President of the United States is to protect the American people from that harm. That's -- and I think about it all the time.

He naturally invokes 9/11, again, after reminding us he's the Decider:
As you know, well, I make a lot of decisions, and at the core of my decision-making when it comes to protecting America is the lessons learned from September the 11th, 2001. My job is to use the resources of the United States to prevent such an attack from happening again. And the first lesson of September the 11th, 2001 is that we face an enemy that had no regard for innocent life, an enemy which has hijacked a great religion to suit their political needs.

And once you've invoked 9/11, might as well go all the way:
Iraq has -- had weapons of mass destruction and has the knowledge as to how to produce weapons of mass destruction. And the confluence of a terrorist network with weapons of mass destruction is the biggest threat the United States of America faces.

Note the Freudian slip -- "Iraq has" weapons of mass destruction. And despite all those Iraqis we've killed or captured, the ones with "knowledge at to how to produce weapons of mass destruction" still elude us. After three years.

But wait! Bush has a strategy:
But it's very important for the American people to understand that they're trying to run us out of Iraq for a purpose. And the purpose is to be able to have safe haven from which to launch further attacks. And I understand it. And we've got a strategy in place to achieve victory.

And what might that strategy be, President Bush?
Yesterday I went over to Twentynine Palms -- I want to tell you something about the United States military. . . .And I told them, I told them they didn't have to worry about me. I believe we're going to win in Iraq. And a victory in Iraq will be a major blow to the totalitarian vision of bin Laden and his lieutenants -- a major blow. One, it will be a tactical blow. We'll deny them that which they want. But secondly, it will be a major blow because, in the long-term, the best way to defeat an ideology of hatred is with an ideology of hope.

Uh, yeah. But about that strategy?
I based a lot of my foreign policy decisions on some things that I think are true. One, I believe there's an Almighty, and secondly, I believe one of the great gifts of the Almighty is the desire in everybody's soul, regardless of what you look like or where you live, to be free. I believe liberty is universal. I believe people want to be free. And I know that democracies do not war with each other.

So your strategy to defeat Islamic extremists is to say God told you to go to war with them? To invade their country? And to do all this by lying to the people of the United States? How's that working for you?
You know, it's really important for people to be able to connect the concept of freedom to our security. And it's hard. It's hard, particularly in a day and age when every act of violence is put in your living room. And I know that. I fully understand the challenge I face as the Commander-in-Chief to describe to the American people why the sacrifice is worth it.

Yes, it IS hard to convince the American people to give up their civil liberties, to send their loved ones to die or be maimed, to allow their children and grandchildren to pay for a war based on lies. Maybe that's why your approval ratings are so low.

One other choice comment:
And the United States government, whether you agree with my policy or not, must stand by our troops. When they're in harm's way, they deserve the best pay, the best equipment, and the best possible support.

Which is why Bush has been unable to get armored equipment to the troops even after three years of war, why he has cut veteran's benefits, and why he hasn't attended a single funeral of a soldier killed in Iraq.

But remember -- 9/11 -- weapons of mass destruction -- everybody wants freedom -- support the troops -- it's hard.